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Know Your Entitlements

Patient Rights

Understand your rights and responsibilities here.

Building a Community of Care and Excellence

Life at IHT Rehab

At IHT Rehabilitation Center, we prioritize your well-being right from the start.

This Pre Admission section is designed to streamline your journey, ensuring a smooth transition into our care. Below, you’ll find everything you need to prepare for your admission process.

Respect, Dignity, and Professional Care

Patient Rights and Responsibilities

Comprehensive care with respect, dignity, and professionalism for all patients.

  1. To be provided with Multi-lingual interpreter services within the IHTRC. 
  2. To be provided with access to urgent medical care in an emergency without discrimination regarding economic status or source of payment and without delay for purposes of discussing source of payment. 
  3. To be treated with respect, dignity, and professionalism regardless of nationality, manner of payment, religion, sex, race, culture, or disability.
  4. To receive attentive, safe, and respectful care that is personalised to support and address age, personal dignity, and individual requirements and to have all reasonable requests responded to promptly and adequately within the capacity of the IHTACC.
  5. To obtain the name, position and title of all personnel who examine, observe, treat, or assist rehabilitation patients, families, or visitors by way of an IHTRC identification badge which is required to be visible and always worn by all personnel.
  6. To be given a copy of the “Patient and Family Rights and Responsibilities”. If the written copy cannot be read or understood, the IHTRC will provide a translator or explain them verbally.
  7. To receive appropriate protection if there is a case of a vulnerable child/adult disabled individual, or elderly.
  8. To have all information which is provided by the rehabilitation patient or family member kept confidential and protected from loss or misuse, and to receive access to personal medical records and medical information as per the IHTRC policy/process.
  9. To receive detailed written and verbal explanation of condition, care, treatment, and aftercare, in terminology that is easily understood.
  10. To be informed of the IHTRC’s policy on complaints, conflicts, and difference of opinions about rehabilitation patient care and the right to participate in these processes related to concerns about treatment or care.
  11. To have any complaint that may arise, acknowledged, fully investigated, and be provided with a written response as per the IHTRC’s complaints policy.
  12. To be protected from physical assault during any visit or stay within the IHTRC.
  13. To have informed consent explained in a logical way to have adequate understandable information for the rehabilitation patient and family to make informed decisions about diagnosis, proposed treatment and care provided.
  14. To give general consent for treatment and have the general scope and limits of this consent explained thoroughly.
  15. To be informed early of any extra treatment charges that may occur because of extended treatment.
  16. To refuse consent for care, treatment and services to the extent permitted by law. The rehabilitation patient also has the right to be fully informed of the effects of refusing treatment and the potential medical consequences of these actions.
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